Spa Maintenance

Hot Spring

FreshWater Phosphate Test Strip Kit


FreshWater Phosphate Test Strips provide quick and reliable water test results.  Phosphates are contributors to algae growth and can reduce the effectiveness of the FreshWater Salt and ACE system. This test allows you to read low-range test results...

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Hot Spring

FreshStart Pre-Filter


The FreshStart Pre-Filter ensure your water is as fresh and clean as possible, and can be used on all spas. Simply attach to your garden hose and fill your spa through the filter compartment. The FreshStart Pre-Filter is long lasting, and is...

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Hot Spring

Freshwater Clean Screen Pre-Filter


Freshwater Clear Screen Pre Filter The pre-filter ensures the water is as clean as possible every time you fill your spa. It filters out debris, chemicals, and other contaminants that need removed from the spa water. product here...

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Hot Spring

Polymer Steps


Spa pool steps are an essential addition to your spa. Making sure you choose the right spa pool steps ensures your safety and comfort in and out of your spa pool. These spa steps are both affordable and lightweight, but by no means flimsy. This...

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